Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Relocation of the Maldives

Maldives has a population of 38 million people can live in the small island of only 250 (figure), the highest of the two islands from the sea level is only 2.4 meters. Maldives capital, Male, the world's most densely populated cities, only 2 square kilometers of land Jizhe about 10 million people.
Faced with global warming flooded
According to a report of the United Nations forecasts, due to global warming lead to melting of glaciers, sea-level by the year 2100 will now rise 25-58 cm. The nearly 1,200 coral islands of the Maldives most of the land is only 1.5 meters above sea level, close to the sea level will make the whole country at risk. In the 2004 South Asian tsunami, the Maldives was 2 / 3 of land were submerged.
Therefore, to prevent the inundation of Maldives has always been the most important one of the national policy. Naxi De new president in Britain, "The Guardian" interview with reporters, talked about the Maldives to deal with global warming, "insurance policy." Na Xide said: "We rely on our own modest means can not stop global warming can only buy land elsewhere. This is to prevent the worst outcome of the insurance policy. After all, Israel is the first to buy a large number of Palestinian land from the start The. "
Pool to buy land
Happy to live in the earthly paradise, in fact, Maldivians do not want to leave the most beautiful places in the world, of course, the President of the Maldives. However, in the face of the reality of drowning, the Maldives, though Nanshe paradise, but relatively speaking, they may even live in refugee tents do not like.
Like President Naxi De said: "We do not want to leave the Maldives, but we do not want to become 'climate refugees', in temporary tents to live on for decades." In his view, the purchase of land is an investment, Kuwaitis as the "oil exports," the revenue for business investment, the Maldives from the other hand, "the import of tourists" where to invest money for the land.
Phase in India and Australia
Maldives whole place to live, of course, we must first find a suitable home. Fortunately, the family of nations willing to accept the Maldives was to become state within a state.
Naxi De said he had discussed with a number of countries to buy land in the idea of each other's responses were "willing to accept." At present, the hearts of the Naxi De has several objectives. Among them, India and Sri Lanka since the two countries in culture, diet and climate are close to the Maldives and become the first choice. In addition, there are large areas of Australia because of uninhabited land, it is also considered targets of the Maldives.
Background information
Located in the Maldives in the Indian Ocean as "the last paradise on earth", but global warming is to allow this island paradise is faced with "Paradise Lost" in the crisis. Today, the official swearing-in of new President Mohammad Naxi De Maldives, said the new government of the Maldives each year from more than 10 billion dollars in tourism revenue, into a "sovereign wealth funds" for the purchase of new land . In the future, the population of the Maldives may be too dense to move the whole nation to India or Australia to deal with global warming, land flooded, the National People's become a dangerous climate refugees.
根据联合国一份报告的预测,由于全球变暖导致冰川融化,海平面到2100年将比现在上涨25至58厘米。而包括近1200个珊瑚礁岛的马尔代夫大部分国土仅比海平面高出1.5米,海平面的逼近将令整个国家岌岌可危。在2004年的南亚大海啸中,马尔代夫一度有2/3的国土惨遭淹没。  因此,防止被淹没一直都是马尔代夫最重要的国家政策之一。新总统纳希德在接受英国《卫报》记者采访时,谈到了马尔代夫应对全球变暖的“保险政策”。纳希德说:“我们靠自身的绵薄之力是无法阻止全球变暖的,只能到别处购买土地。这是预防最糟结果的保险性政策。毕竟,以色列当初就是从巴勒斯坦大量购买土地起步的。”
生活在惬意的人间天堂,其实马尔代夫人根本不想离开这个全世界最美的地方,当然也包括马尔代夫的总统。然而,面对被淹的现实,马尔代夫人虽然难舍天堂,但是相对而言,他们或许更不喜欢住难民帐篷。  就像总统纳希德所说的那样:“我们不想离开马尔代夫,但我们也不想沦为‘气候难民’,在临时帐篷里住上几十年。”他认为,购买土地就是一项投资,就像科威特人把“出口石油”获得的收入用于商业投资,马尔代夫则把从“进口旅游者”那儿赚的钱用于土地投资。
马尔代夫要举国异地而居,当然首先要寻找一个合适的家园。还好,国际大家庭中有人乐于接受马尔代夫成为国中之国。  纳希德表示,他已经与多个国家讨论过购买土地这个想法,对方的反应都是“乐意接受”。目前,纳希德心中已经有了几个目标。其中,印度和斯里兰卡两个国家因为在文化、饮食和气候方面都和马尔代夫接近而成为首选。此外,由于澳大利亚有大片无人居住的土地,因此也是马尔代夫的考虑对象。

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